Dr. Priyanka's Diet Doc


Nutrition Webinar

Webinars are the newest and the safest medium which are currently being used to have fruitful discussions in all fields of science and technology. Nutrition being one of the most important of current topics has a lot to offer to the audience.


We, at Diet Doc, always look forward to getting involved in such activity and promoting right practices. We accept invites from people of different fields who wish to arrange such discussions.

Nutrition Lectures

Nutrition Lectures

We, at Diet Doc, have been instrumental in offering lectures related to Nutrition, Lifestyle and Diet in various seminars and forums.

Personal interactions with the audiences offer a great platform for understanding and sharing knowledge, especially on a topic like Nutrition, which involves changes pertaining to daily human habits. We always look forward to participate in such activities whenever the opportunity comes and the time permits.

Menu Consultations

Different food Chains & Food product Development companies take Menu consultations from us. We encourage the young entrepreneurs and help them come up with recipes that are innovative and at the same time healthy.

We have also experimented a lot with the traditional diets and have tried making them healthier than their existing forms by tweaking with ingredients here and there. It’s fun we love to have.

Corporate Collaborations

Corporate Collaborations

Diet Doc collaborates with various business entities and corporate houses, personal well-being & employee well-being. Helping them attain their goal of personal well-being. All services and activities which we offer are an endeavour to attain our target of holistic human health.

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